Marshmallowviitab pehmele kommile turul. It is loose and porous, with a certain degree of elasticity and toughness. It is named after its taste and texture are similar to cotton.
Suhkruvatt saab teha mitmesuguse kujuga, näiteks köied, terad, lilled, südamed, loomad jne. Seda saab ka pulga otsa nöörida ja pulgakommi teha.
Since fancy cotton candy is another kind of marshmallow, it naturally takes granulated sugar as the main material, and its patterns are colorful and vivid. Different from traditional cotton candy, fancy cotton candy is added with a variety of auxiliary materials to produce cotton candy with a variety of flavors and colors, such as apples, strawberries, oranges, pineapples, bananas, etc. In addition, the natural fruit flavor ja paindlik pehme maitse suudavad paremini haarata tarbijate kõhtu ja on tarbijate seas populaarsemad.